
Aug 26, 20223 min

Struggle Master Classes

As a society we look at conflict resolution as something we do with others. We look at conflict as something that exists outside of us, but the truth is that all conflict exists first, within us.

As I have been writing the Tao te Ching I ran across this verse...

All things issue from Tao, it is their mother · Then, in their own time, they return to Tao. ·· Like Tao, so too you act in the world of manifestation. · When you recognize you are the mother of your experience · You can identify the children your actions birth, · Loving them as your children you free yourself of sorrow. ·· Choose to not recognize your motherhood, · A victim, filled with desire and judgment, · There will be no end to your turmoil. · Look into the darkness and learn how to yield, · Not allowing your senses to guide you, · You will find peace in ever crevasse.

This verse is essentially saying things will come home to roost. The energy we put out in the world will return to us. When we can recognize that what is happening in our lives right now are the children of our previous actions, we won't be so quick to play the victim.

Where in your life are you struggling right now?

That is the big question. Your struggle is what you're attracting. You have attracted this struggle for some reason and you won't want to continue to attract it, so the best thing you can do is find out exactly where you struggle and how to stop struggling as soon as possible. This means getting some distance from the emotional toll it takes on you. If we could only be happy and calm all the time problems wouldn't be a problem to us as all.

One way to do that is to take responsibility for having set it in motion at some point in your life. That doesn't mean to look at things and call them mistakes, but to love these actions that are asking to finally be exorcized.

There is a fun game you can do with a friend, or someone you feel safe with, that can help you get out of the overwhelm of the struggle. I call it "Struggle Master Class."

Step 1: Find a friend you trust and who trusts you. Both of you should be able to identify something you are struggling with in your lives right now and be able to share that struggle with one another.

Step 2: Each of you give a 5 to 10-minute Master Class on how to best struggle with the issue you are struggling.

Step 3: The one receiving the Master Class should ask questions to understand exactly how they can seriously struggle with the thing the teacher is struggling with. This should be fun and lighthearted and all questions come from a place of understanding what is being taught, not trying to coach or help the teacher in any way, they are the expert. The teacher will learn what they need to and the student will as well.

We often look at Master Classes as things we take to be happy, or better, but there is always great benefit to the teachers as well. In this case you and your friend will examine how well you have learned how to struggle. And many ways you live your life to continue to struggle.

Teaching these will unfold into awareness and you will see how you have allowed yourself to get caught up in the struggle of things. Life is easy, it hurts sometimes, but that doesn't mean life needs to be hard.

Have Fun in your Master Classes!!!
