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Your Journey is to Recover Something you Never Held

Your Journey is to Recover Something you Never Held

May 19, 2020

Every moment in the womb we were taking what we were given, no argument, no preference. Stresses, alcohol, tobacco, anger, and even poetry, all of it we drank up. We had no words, we had no reference. We took it in and learned about the environment we were going to enter and our place in it.

How many beliefs do we have in our lives today, as adults, that we learned in the womb of our mothers? Our expectations of the world and our place in it exist simply because our mothers inadvertently introduced us to the idea before we had any concept of words?

These may be hurdles for us to clear, and they may be foundations on which to build, but either way, they are yours to do with what you will. I applaud you in growing beyond, and embracing, that which you received from the womb,

I love you,

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