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Non-Judgmental Watercolors

Painting has a huge history that we, as painters, can never escape. I use watercolor as a way to step away from the grand idea of painting and give myself the freedom to just have a bit of fun.

I call these non-judgmental because when painting or drawing there are things that my subconscious will judge not serious enough for art. For instance painting Santa fighting a ninja which you will see below. Judging an idea like that will not only influence what I don’t make will force me to question what I “should” make or what is “worth” making. I feel like that is a shame and so I allow myself the playfulness of painting without judgment.

Tumbled Out of Bed

Tumbled Out of Bed



Forgetful Santa

Forgetful Santa

Bail Out

Bail Out

She Believes

She Believes

Ninja Santa

Ninja Santa



The Astronomer

The Astronomer

Watching Santa Watch

Watching Santa Watch

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