The artwork and creativity of MartinJon, knows no bounds. Spending many years exploring fine art painting and video. Learning in-depth methods of connecting through these creative outlets MartinJon is now utilizing artwork as a healing modality. Art and healing have been hinted at throughout history. Today MartinJon is dedicated to discovering and utilizing art to its fullest extent to aid the healing of individuals and the world. Explore some of the things that brought MartinJon joy, fulfillment, and bliss.
Now my best friend Amanda is a productive and strong woman searching for truth, there is nothing more beautiful than that.
An amazing man who brought himself face to face with his own demons and lived to tell the tale, Romantic Violence is that Book btw
Now my best friend Amanda is a productive and strong woman searching for truth, there is nothing more beautiful than that.
Portrait Project
This project continues to change my life in no uncertain terms. I step out into the world and into people’s homes where I offer them the unique and intimate experience of having a portrait done. I have opened up to complete strangers and have had them open up to me. This project has made me vulnerable and shown me how important being vulnerable actually is. I love doing these and if you would like to have one done please feel free to reach out. Many of these have been done with perfect strangers who now count themselves as my friends and visa versa.
Home Renderings/Closing Gifts
Your home is your pride and joy, the matirial thing you spend the most time and energy on. And, why not, it is that special, it is home. when we leave that home we spent years building in search of what life has in store for us next. What better way to honor that than by bringing it with us? Photographs are a dime a dozen today and we would hardly notice them in the clutter of our computers hard drive. but a painting goes right on the wall of your new home showing that your past is with you wishung you the best as you move ahead.
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I Had a great time painting a bunch of Santa paintings when a friend of mine was putting a Christmas show together. This one I imagine as a Santa who is sad because no one ever gets him anything for Christmas but cookies and he is a diabetic.
Okay so here I imagined Santa fighting off a Ninja who is surprized to find out that "Yes, Virginia Santa is a Ninja"
Here two people defend the Black Box of Mecca. I must have been watching the news or some thing when I made this.
I Had a great time painting a bunch of Santa paintings when a friend of mine was putting a Christmas show together. This one I imagine as a Santa who is sad because no one ever gets him anything for Christmas but cookies and he is a diabetic.
Non-Judgmental Watercolors
Painting has a huge history that we, as painters, can never escape. I use watercolor as a way to step away from the grand idea of painting and, even though watercolors are considered a drawing medium, give myself the freedom to just have a bit of fun. These I call non-judgmental because when painting or drawing there are things that my subconscious will judge not serious enough for art. This kind of thinking may influence many people and the things that are not created because of it must be astounding. So I set out to make some stuff, fun stuff, about whatever I am thinking, without judgment or criticism.
Pet Portraits
I have run across a lot of artists that have quite the disdain for pet portraiture but I have found, and been so happy to discover this, That Pet portraits bring intense and serious joy into homes even when they are small. The value in these pieces are absolutely immense.
A Hull City legend as far as I see it.
A painting about the falling apart of the French National Team.
As I connect with my Spanish roots I gravitate towards its footy, I am happy to say "We won a World Cup" whenever I get the opportunity. Now I am hoping to say that about the USA one day.
A Hull City legend as far as I see it.